What would you like to package?

Whether bulk material or liquid – not all liners are the same.

Bulk material

According to the dictionary, it is a mixture that is granular or lumpy and can be poured. The fact is: For every bulk density, grain size, temperature, sharpness, filling process, mass, migration property, toxicity, moisture, roughness – and any combination of these – there is a suitable inliner or round-bottom bag. You describe the bulk material – we recommend the packaging material.


A beverage or a chemical? Bier or lacquer? Hot or cold? Thick or thin? What does the filling and emptying process look like? Do you need multiple layers or is a mono-film enough? Which type of barrier layer do you require? In what types of containers should it be stored and transported? You ask the questions – we provide the answers. Or the other way around.

What Product are You Looking for?

Even if you already know what you want: Here is more info.

Round-bottom bags

Crease-free liners for round containers.

Form inliners

Precise, suction-fit like a second skin. Completely smooth and crease-free.

Drum lid discs

Protect steel drum contents during outdoor storage.

Form lids

Protects the drum lid from contamination with the product on the inside.

Protective covers

To keep empty containers empty and clean during storage.

Beer tank inliners

They keep the beer fresh and the tank clean.

Liners for FIBCs

The classic big bag: flexible and robust. With a matching inliner: flexible, leak-proof and safe.

Industry specific applications

Here's what you can look for when packaging in your industry. We have to!

Paints and varnishes

In this industry, many barrels and hobbocks are used. Whether for external use or also much in internal use. In order not to always have to clean the containers used here, we see ourselves as a partner of the paint and coatings industry. The advantages are obvious:

  • Simple and fast handling
  • Maximum protection for your containers
  • No cleaning costs
  • Großer Lebenszyklus Ihrer Behälter
  • Minimize your costs
  • Simple residual emptying
  • Perfect fit
  • Ideal for use with follower plate or pump

This also allows the two biggest challenges in this industry segment to be addressed: Occupational safety and sustainability. Due to the use of solvents, the observance and application of the REACH standard is of great importance.


The BRC standard, which was newly regulated in February 2019, applies. HACCP, i.e. hygiene management, and RAL quality marks must be taken into account when selecting the appropriate packaging material. According to EU Regulation 10/2011, packaging materials must be tested for NIAS (Non Intentional Added Substances). You have to be able to rely on that.

Chemistry and cosmetics

The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) is the executive body in this sector. It is responsible for compliance with the REACH standard, i.e., for the registration, evaluation, authorisation and restriction of chemicals. Companies must demonstrate to ECHA how substances can be used safely and how risk is managed. Here, packaging is of central importance – and must therefore be reliable.

Product requests

Feel free to ask us specific as well as general questions We will provide you with an answer!

In order to provide you with information or even the right offer as quickly as possible, we need some information from you. In general, this includes:

  • What would you like to package? (bulk material, solids, liquids…)
  • What demands do you have on the packaging material?
  • How will it be handled?
  • Approximately how heavy is the packaged good?
  • What sizes do you need?
  • Which regulations must the packaging material comply with? (Phar. Eur., USP, DMF, food grade.)
  • How should it be assembled? (loose, on roll, economy blocking…)
  • What quantities and batch sizes do you need?
You don’t really know? No problem! Get in touch with us. We will help you find the packaging material suitable for you.

Or would you prefer us to contact you? Then simply submit a contact request.

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