Crease-free liners for round containers.
Precise, suction-fit like a second skin. Completely smooth and crease-free.
Protect steel drum contents during outdoor storage.
Protects the drum lid from contamination with the product on the inside.
To keep empty containers empty and clean during storage.
They keep the beer fresh and the tank clean.
The classic big bag: flexible and robust. With a matching inliner: flexible, leak-proof and safe.
In this industry, many barrels and hobbocks are used. Whether for external use or also much in internal use. In order not to always have to clean the containers used here, we see ourselves as a partner of the paint and coatings industry. The advantages are obvious:
This also allows the two biggest challenges in this industry segment to be addressed: Occupational safety and sustainability. Due to the use of solvents, the observance and application of the REACH standard is of great importance.
The BRC standard, which was newly regulated in February 2019, applies. HACCP, i.e. hygiene management, and RAL quality marks must be taken into account when selecting the appropriate packaging material. According to EU Regulation 10/2011, packaging materials must be tested for NIAS (Non Intentional Added Substances). You have to be able to rely on that.
The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) is the executive body in this sector. It is responsible for compliance with the REACH standard, i.e., for the registration, evaluation, authorisation and restriction of chemicals. Companies must demonstrate to ECHA how substances can be used safely and how risk is managed. Here, packaging is of central importance – and must therefore be reliable.
In order to provide you with information or even the right offer as quickly as possible, we need some information from you. In general, this includes:
Or would you prefer us to contact you? Then simply submit a contact request.
Our objective: To make it as easy as possible for you to pack and transport your products safely, reliably and appropriately. Nittel Halle is part of the INDUSTRIAL PACKAGING LINER business unit of RINGMETALL SE.
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